Polina Skryabina, Harp Teacher

Polina Skryabina has graduated from the St. Petersburg Conservatory with a bachelor's diploma in solo, orchestra performance, and harp teaching (2013) and from the Zurich University of the Arts with a master's diploma in performing arts (2015).

She is a winner of the Chamber music competition of Modern music (Switzerland, 2014) and a scholarship holder of the Swiss foundations Stiftung Lyra (2013) and Marguerite Meister Stiftung (2014).

In 2014, together with the Zurich University of the Arts, she recorded an album of postmodern music by L. Berio and E. Carter.

She performed with orchestras such as The Divertissement Chamber Orchestra headed by violinist Ilya Ioff, Zakhar Bron Chamber Orchestra, The Southwest German Philharmonic Orchestra of Constance, “Free opera Zurich,” orchestra without a conductor “Persimfans”.

From 2019 to 2022, Polina has worked as a technical expert and sales manager in the Moscow office of the Italian harp company Salvi Music. In addition, she established her private harp school. During this time, Polina was not only an administrator and a teacher but also conducted concerts for students, lectures about the history and evolution of the harp.

In 2019, Polina organized the first Summer Harp Academy in Russia, successfully repeated in subsequent years. Polina also participated in the creation of the Zurich Harp Festival.